Ponorogo, 13 April 2008

Laporan diterima melalui telepon dan email ke sekretariat BETA-UFO, dikirim oleh EA (nama tidak ingin dipublikasikan).

I have returned from Ponorogo yesterday and I did went to the location which the 1st picture was taken on the 23rd March and the result was zero. I got there in the morning at 9.15am,stepping down from the car and head straight to the rice field to get a closer shot, I did some interview with the farmers and neither 2 of them notice any activity happened during their passed 30 years of experienced in the field. And I head back to the car and planning of returning to Sby empty handed, Then I was told to stop by at Ponorogo to visit my sons nanny hometown.

And we did, This is the interesting part, I then was told by my driver that the location of the mountain which I was shooting at is close to the nannies home. We got there in about 30mins time and did the same thing asked the question to the younger brother in the family. He took me up the cliff about 500 feet and look around. The view was amazing, weather is good, visibility is fantastic. I took out my camera and begin taking shots. Nothing had happened. Feeling disappointed and the question keep popping up (Where the hell is that THING?)Never mind, I guessed its just not my day.

When I got back to my office this morning, out of curiosity looking through the shots, I saw something. Correct me if I’m wrong, I do know what a bird looks like but THIS SAME OBJECT which happened on my my 23rd march shot reappears. Please take a look at the object on the left and advice me if that’s a bird. On the right for sure is a bird ,you can see clearly that its flipping its wing. But the left…..its where your expertise kicks in.

By admin

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